
Understand the Role of Air Renewal in Companies

Understand the importance of industrial air renewal rate
Industrial Air Renewal

In industrial environments there is a relevant concern in relation to the air that circulates through the place.

Obviously there is a related thermal issue. She works to make people who work in industries feel comfortable with the climate inside these places, which cannot be too hot and stuffy, nor can it be cold enough to cause discomfort.

But the concern goes far beyond keeping the place at a pleasant temperature. For it is not restricted only to the field of well-being.

In industrial environments it is necessary to have a rigid control, which acts so that possible contaminations are avoided.

Air renewal is the system that controls the removal of contaminated air and carries out the insertion of new air. Thus, the level of contaminants in factories and industries is reduced.

In open environments, this exchange happens naturally and quickly. However, indoors, the air tends to remain “still” in place, considerably increasing the level of pollutant concentration.

What are the harm/danger of contaminated air for the body?

By inhaling the air, it directly enters the lungs and spreads throughout the bloodstream in a matter of a few seconds, in effect also reaching the vital organs of the human body.

Now imagine this same situation occurring with air loaded with toxic gases or harmful contaminating particles to the body.

Every moment we breathe a certain amount of pollution. But there is a limit to the concentration of toxics that a person can inhale without affecting their health.

It is necessary to take into account that in industrial environments, the risks of contamination by airways are high. It can even cause several health problems in the short, medium or long term.

Air Renewal Fee

For this, there is an air flow calculation, which aims to renew the air and the low concentration of CO² in environments that are artificially conditioned.

In a place with a high number of people, the concentration of CO² increases considerably, as the oxygen level of the place drops. This element is also considered an air polluting agent. As harmful to health as the circulation of contaminants such as viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Measuring the air renewal rate, determines the volume of air in an environment, the approximate number of people who frequent the room and the interval in which the total exchange must take place.

The air renewal time, in turn, will depend on the size of the environment and the number of people in the place.

 Equipment used in the renovation system

Air conditioners are used for both the cooling function and the air renewal function.

They include the air filters whose function is to carry out the process of capturing contaminating particles. In addition to protecting the environment and the people who frequent the place.

The importance of filters in renovation systems

There are several types of air filters. Each one fulfills a function and a type of filtering. All are used in order to make the air as pure and safe as possible.

This is a form of protection that covers people, environments and even industrial processes.

A Linter Filters ehas been in the market for 24 years, offering complete solutions for Air Treatment.  

We have a wide range of Filter, Equipment for filtering and Exhaust Systems, in addition to specialized consulting, projects, installation and much more.

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