
Corrective maintenance in air conditioning, understand all about…

Air Treatment System

What is the difference between corrective and preventive maintenance?

Although the objective of both procedures is basically the same, that is: to improve the operation of your air conditioner. There are some significant differences between preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.

Understand better…

Preventive maintenance of air conditioners, as we saw earlier in another blog article: Air Conditioning | The benefits of Preventive Maintenance, is done in advance (as the name suggests) in order to preserve the air conditioning system, prolonging its useful life.

In addition, preventive maintenance fulfills the function of spacing the time of corrective maintenance that may have to occur. They precede (or should precede) the need for equipment repairs, after all, this procedure is also carried out with the objective of identifying possible needs for adjustments and repairs throughout the system.

Corrective Maintenance Air Conditioning System
But then what is corrective maintenance?

Usually more complicated than preventive maintenance, because when it is requested it means that something is not going well with the air conditioning, this type of maintenance is necessary when there is a technical problem with the device.

Corrective maintenance will take place later, and always due to a breakdown or malfunction of the air conditioning, and aim to identify the problem and immediately fix this system.

Corrective maintenance deals with problems from the simplest to the most complex, which may require repairs to one or more parts, or even the entire system.

maintenance need

Many places need refrigeration for a few hours of the day, such as malls, stores and offices…

However, there are places such as industries, hospitals and laboratories, where the air conditioning system is used as part of the proper functioning of the processes carried out on site, and the perfect condition of the device is essential for issues that include the health of workers.

Places like these cannot afford to be without the air conditioning unit working. For this reason, maintenance, when necessary in these environments, has to be carried out as quickly as possible (and the execution time will depend on the depth of the problem identified). And when performed correctly, maintenance allows the appliance to work safely and effectively again.

This type of maintenance usually does not occur on a scheduled basis. They are requested when there is a problem, taking people by surprise.

An effective way to reduce costs and ensure the proper functioning of your air conditioner is by programming preventive maintenance. In this way, it is possible to avoid unscheduled scares, repairs and corrections.

 Here are some of the most common problems that generate the need for corrective maintenance:

  • Breakage or wear of parts
  • Need for cleaning and sanitizing
  • Changing or washing the air filters
  • parts exchange
  • general repair

Benefits of corrective maintenance

  • Prevents the proliferation of fungi, viruses and bacteria
  • Minimizes the spread of airborne contaminants such as dust particles generated by industrial processes
  • Contribute to the reduction of respiratory diseases
  • Energy saving
  • Extending the life of the device
Replacement of Air Filters

Both preventive and corrective maintenance help to avoid problems such as contamination by fungi and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases, due to the accumulation of dirt in the filters.

In this regard, it is important to emphasize that the replacement of air filters is certainly an important maintenance step. Because it's no use having a device working correctly and efficiently, if it is spreading contaminants harmful to health into the air.

Air Filter Replacement

Na Linter you will find exclusive lines of air filters for applications in various sectors of the Industry among other areas of activity as well.

Enter the site linter.filtros.com.br and find the ideal filter for your company, or request a quote by clicking below.

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