
Know the importance of an air filtration system in commercial buildings and offices

The air we breathe in companies

Often, we do not realize the importance of indoor air quality, poor air quality can lead to serious health risks. Studies have shown that indoor air quality can be worse than that found outdoors. As many people spend considerable time at work, air quality has become an urgent health issue.

One of the reasons office air quality can be compromised is that there are many sources of pollution. Many offices are located in industrial areas or urban centers with a high concentration of pollutants. In addition, some offices are located in areas adjacent to major roads, which means exposure to vehicle exhaust, one of the biggest sources of harmful particulates.

Office air pollution also results from building maintenance activities. Pest control, cleaning, renovations and occupation activities. Therefore, the air quality in offices or commercial rooms is directly linked to the effectiveness of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, which must be well designed with the presence of efficient air filtration devices.

The importance of indoor air renewal

With the advent of the pandemic, many companies have been concerned about indoor air quality. A recurring doubt would be referring to the air conditioning of these environments can contribute to the spread of viruses and other contaminants through the air.

What we can highlight is that a good air conditioning system contributes to the retention of these contaminants, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). A good HVAC system promotes indoor air renewal. The air passes through the air filters of air conditioning systems and traps contaminating particles.

In offices and commercial rooms, for example, air conditioning systems are not prepared for virus retention. Only controlled environments, with a high concentration of contaminants, need to obtain the maximum in air purity, unlike corporate environments, for this reason the air of air conditioning systems, despite having filters, are not enough to retain certain bacteria and especially viruses present in the air.

Understand the dynamics of the spread of the Coronavirus

Viruses are smaller than 0,3 µm, but they do not spread freely through the air, but through droplets expelled when breathing, talking, sneezing or coughing. Viruses attach themselves to these droplets and can circulate in the environment, and can even lodge on surfaces.

People who attend closed environments can be contaminated if the place was at some point frequented by someone with a respiratory disease.

Measures to mitigate contamination

There are some measures that can be taken to treat indoor air in offices, commercial rooms or any closed environment to minimize the risks of possible contamination. Here are the best options:

1) Improve your air conditioning system to increase filtration efficiency

The only filter capable of blocking the virus is the HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance), but most office and commercial room air conditioning systems do not support this type of absolute filtration. In this case, we can increase the efficiency of the filtering class by using intermediate class filters (medium and fine classification filters), reducing the possibilities of contagion.
Attention: Before replacing the filters on your equipment, check if your system is capable of using these filters.

2) Use of air purifiers

If your system does not support the HEPA filter or even filters of an intermediate class, a quick and low cost option is the use of air purifiers with a HEPA filter. You place the equipment in the environment and it takes care of renewing the air. Its filtration system allows ambient air to pass through the HEPA filter, and in some cases through a UV lamp system that will further ensure air free of contaminants. Many air purifiers promise an efficient filtration system, but it is necessary to check if they have a filtration system using the HEPA filter and especially check the flow rate that the equipment will meet to prevent it from working improperly.

2) Maintenance of your air conditioning system

Performing preventive maintenance of your air conditioning system is one of the palliative measures, mainly to prevent the spread of the virus through the air conditioning system. The ideal is to always keep changing the filters with a certain frequency.

A Linter Filters is one of the largest manufacturers of air filters and air filtration equipment. Linter is also a manufacturer of Air Purifiers with Hepa Filter and UV Lamp that eliminate about 99,95% of viruses and bacteria present in the air. Ideal for use in offices, commercial rooms and other closed environments.

If you have any questions, we suggest you contact Linter Filters. Our engineers will detail better and indicate the best option for your company.

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