Washable Filters
Washable Nylon Screen Filters

Filters that retain particles and granules with low pressure drop. They are compatible with all models of air conditioning equipment on the national market.
Manufactured in two models:
FTN – Round iron frame covered in stitched synthetic leather.
FTN/AL – Aluminum profile frame.

Filtering Classes: G1 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012)

Washable Filters
Washable Metallic Thick Filters Linter Filters

They are manufactured in three washable and reusable models, combining high efficiency for coarse particulates and low pressure loss:
HVAL – beehive type, manufactured with corrugated aluminum sheets.
HVTC – manufactured with galvanized or stainless steel screens.
HVAE – made with expanded aluminum screens.

Filtering Classes: G1 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012)

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      You can also contact us by email contato@linterfiltros.com.br