These are disposable filters, manufactured with a cardboard frame and printed cardboard screen or perforated screen to support the filter element, which guarantees greater resistance and dimensional stability.
FGV – Glass blanket filters
Filtering Classes: G2, G3 and G4 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012).
These are disposable filters, manufactured with a cardboard frame and printed cardboard screen or perforated screen to support the filter element, which guarantees greater resistance and dimensional stability.
FGP – Filters in synthetic blanket.
Filtering Classes: G2, G3 and G4 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012).
Long-life filter, has a filtering area up to 5 times larger than the conventional pre-filter.
They are made of perfectly creased and structured cardboard to give stability to the filter medium, ensuring high retention capacity combined with low pressure drop.
Filtering Classes: G4 and M5 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012).
Widely used as a pre-filter to extend the life of fine filters and HEPA absolute filters.
They are made of printed cardboard, forming a double wall along the perimeter. The filter media has an expanded aluminum screen on the air outlet side, which maintains pleat uniformity and operational mechanical strength.
Filtering Classes: G4 and M5 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012).
The Disposable Pleated Filters, models SY-PL are indicated where there is a need for high air filtration in a small physical space, as they have an extended filtering surface.
They are made of synthetic material, pleated and structured to give stability to the filter medium, ensuring high retention capacity with low pressure drop.
Filtering Classes: M5 and M6 (ABNT NBR 16101:2012).