
06 Tips for Choosing your Air Purifier

06 Tips for Choosing your Air Purifier

Outdoor air pollution together with viruses, bacteria and other allergens is the gateway to closed environments that become a highly harmful and harmful place to health.

Only the use of air conditioning or natural ventilation, with doors and windows open, is not enough to avoid possible contamination of the air, since exposure to dust, pollen, mold spores, smoke and other contaminants, in addition to droplets or aerosols produced by people with some type of respiratory infection are highly transmissible indoors.

Studies show that the air in these environments can be 2 to 5 times more polluted and, in some cases, 100 times more polluted than the outside air. Normally, where we consider ourselves to be the safest, it may be precisely the place where we are most exposed to pollutants.

In times of a pandemic by Sars-Cov-2 or COVID-19, there has never been so much talk about the use of Air Purifiers in residential environments, schools, hospitals and commerce in general, as a safety and sanitization protocol against viruses and bacteria present in the environment. air.

The use of air purifiers is highly recommended to promote excellent quality air, however it is necessary to understand what the Air Purifier will perform.

This article will help you to define the main differences from the main air purifiers on the market. Here are the main features and what to look out for when purchasing an air purifier:

1 - Air Purifier Flow

Flow is one of the main characteristics you need to consider. If your environment is larger than the capacity that the air purifier can handle, the environment will not be completely safe. Another important factor is in the case of air purifiers with the air recirculation function versus the number of times the air is completely renewed. In environments with high concentrations of pollutants, the ideal is for the renovation to be much faster to ensure greater safety for its occupants.

2 - Air Recirculation or Exhaustion

Air recirculation will renew the same air several times in a given period. In this case, the filtering system is essential so that the renewed air is always in good condition. This type of Purifier is even ideal in conjunction with your air conditioning equipment. When the air is exhausted, it is completely removed from the environment by negative pressure, undergoes a filtering process and is released out of the environment properly cleaned. Both systems are excellent and if it is well designed, it will serve you with complete safety.

3 - Filtration System

The filtration system is the main feature that sets the air purifiers apart. We will describe the main systems presented on the Market:

  • High Temperature Purification or Sterilizers: Purifiers using this system are able to eliminate viruses and bacteria but have problems such as dry air and low flow. Its use in winter or in dry seasons is not indicated because it removes the low humidity from the air, leaving the environment even drier. Dry air dehydrates the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and pharynx, and can lead to inflammation. We advise against this type of equipment for people with rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis or asthma.
    Another feature that these devices have. They don't filter the air, they just kill bacteria and viruses. Larger contaminants are suspended in the air, leaving the air less clean compared to purifiers that have filtration systems.
  • Purification by Ions: These equipments utilize the chemical properties of negative ions to purify indoor air. The ion discharges attach themselves to dust particles, bacteria and other contaminants and make the impurities “fall to the ground”. Like sterilizers, ionizers also dry out the air in the room, causing discomfort and respiratory problems for their occupants.
  • Ozone Purification: Ozone is a natural component of the atmosphere and can be used in air ozonators to purify the environment. This type of purifier removes oxygen from the air, transforms it into ozone and returns it to the environment. However, ozone is extremely harmful to the way we breathe. This type of purifier is harmful to health, especially for people who have asthma or a deficiency in vitamins C and E.
  • Air purifiers with filtration systems: This type of purifier is the most suitable. Its efficiency is proven by its use in surgical centers, clean rooms, and industrial processes that require a high degree of purity in the air. Purifiers with a filtration system have up to four types of filtration in their equipment, including larger particles such as hair, pet hair and dust, which are trapped in the pre-filter.
    The use of HEPA filters (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance), the most advanced technology in air filtration that retains up to 99,95% of viruses and bacteria present in the air, the Ultra Violet system kills viruses and bacteria by exposing the germicidal ray of UV light and in some cases the use of activated carbon filters which has the function of attenuating odors.
    Undoubtedly, Air Purifiers with Filtration Systems are the most suitable, as they do not interfere with the temperature and humidity of the environment. Even with the use of air conditioners or humidifiers, the function of the air purifier with filtration system is to leave the air extremely clean. Even its use is indicated for the retention of COVID-19, other viruses and bacteria present in the air.

4 - Certification and Evidence Tests

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, many purifiers were launched on the market, but it is necessary to verify that air purifiers really meet the specifications that are designated. Checking virucity or efficiency reports are more indicated when you want to obtain security in the purchase of your purification equipment.

5 - Ease of Installation and Use of the Equipment

Many air purifiers fall short in terms of ease of use. Some equipment can be installed in places with little physical space and make its correct application difficult. In this case, the ideal would be to use smaller equipment or that can sometimes be installed fixed to the ceiling or wall. It is interesting to choose equipment plug & play, without the need to hire professionals for installation.

6 - Extra Features of Purifiers

In general, air purifiers can stay on for hours and check for factors such as energy consumption, noise level, use with air conditioners and humidifiers, or cost and ease of maintenance. Before purchasing your air purifier, check the technical specifications so there are no surprises after purchase.

We list the 6 basic characteristics that must be taken into account when purchasing an air purifier. We highlight again mainly the filtration system, installation, certifications and main performance of your Purifier. Do not buy before checking these features.

Linter Filters Industriais is a company with over 26 years of experience in the market. It supplies filters and equipment for air treatment for the food and pharmaceutical industries, controlled environments, clean rooms, laboratories, research centers, hospitals and other segments that need to obtain extremely clean and safe air.

Linter Filters has developed an Air Purifier that uses 03 filtering systems. Pre-Filter, UV Lamp and the powerful HEPA Filter. The efficiency of UDL Linter Purifiers against viruses and bacteria is greater than 99%.

There are several models that serve different market segments.

Linter air purifiers have the following characteristics:

  • Filtration system using pre-filter, UV lamp and Hepa filter
  • Low power consumption and acquisition
  • Low maintenance cost (only filters are changed) and easy handling
  • Low noise level
  • Serves areas of up to 80 m³ in volume
  • They have voltages of 110 or 220V
  • They are compact and handle flows of up to 500 m³/h
  • Has air recirculation or exhaust function
  • All Linter Air Purifiers are certified by the UNICAMP Biology Institute and an independent laboratory that analyzes CONFORLAB air quality.

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