A Linter Filters manufactures a complete line of filters for air treatment specific to each market segment and with their proper filtering classes.
We manufacture equipment for central air conditioning, outdoor air intakes, ventilation and air exhaust systems, as well as biological safety cabinets and unidirectional flows.
We manufacture filters and equipment for ventilation and exhaust systems. We design and install your system.
See our air filters with their specific filtration ratings.
A Linter Filters provides catalogs by segments or the datasheet of each product.
Ease and special conditions. Payment up to 48x.
Leader in air filtration. We are a reference in the treatment, manufacture and sale of filters and equipment.
All HEPA Absolute Filters are leak and leak tested.
We manufacture ecologically correct products and destined to environmental preservation in several segments.
You can also contact us by email contato@linterfiltros.com.br